Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Question I'm Not Sure How To Answer

Just a quick note and then I'm off to dance the night away (literally).

There is one question that I get asked constantly. I shouldn't be surprised. It is the sort of question someone in my position would get asked frequently, but even still it is a tough question to answer.

How is law school going?

How long do you have to listen? Really, it is a complicated answer. Law school is tough; it is intense; it is draining physically, emotionally and mentally. I have a teacher that I'm literally terrified of. Yet somehow the whole experience is exhilarating. I don't know how to describe it. It is a fast paced sort of environment with thrilling discussion. Classes are intimidating while at the same time being very rewarding. I spend my days getting a make-over on how to think about life and situations. I find myself trying to apply what I learn in law school to everything and not intentionally either. For example, I tried to read a flier for an event that was on the kitchen table this morning. I stopped when I realized I was looking for the relevant facts, the overall rule and the application. I find myself watching people's stupid actions and thinking...this is going to end up being a tort. When someone uses a word off hand that has legal meaning, I start thinking if the elements of the current situation fit the legal definition. On one hand, this constant thought process is exhausting. On the other, it is amazing how quickly my whole system of thinking about and analyzing things has changed.

There that is the answer to that question. Now finding a way to boil that down into a simple concise answer that won't freak people out.....That's another story. 

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