The BYU honor code requires men to be clean shaven unless they have special permission to have a beard. I fully support this policy. There are VERY few guys that I view as attractive when they have beards. There is one problem. The policy allows mustaches. Consequently, there are a plethora of mustaches here. (I think it might be a due to a need to prove that they can grow facial hair...still not to sure on that one...) As much as I dislike beards on guys, mustaches are ten times worse (sorry Dad...yours suited you so it was ok). Furthermore, these mustaches are bottom of the barrel as far as mustaches go. They are generally thin and wispy looking which adds to their attractiveness.
This is an example of a full mustache that guys can sometimes get away with. While I still don't find it attractive for a guy to have a mustache, this one at least looks descent.
Here we have what BYU mustaches tend to look like....See the difference??? This is just creepy and all sorts of wrong. Guys the only thing you are proving by this mustache is that you will not have a date this weekend or probably the next. Seriously you need a shave.
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