I had to go in early yesterday to get reading done because I decided going to an activity and trying to meet people would be more beneficial to my overall sanity than struggling through Contracts Monday night. Luckily I got everything done just in time to attend a painfully boring lecture about what an environmental lawyer does which only succeeded in helping me check that off the list of potential fields of law to go into.
Next stop was lunch with my Contracts professor (yup the one I am terrified of). The law school gives money to all the first year professors to take their students out to lunch so that we feel more comfortable going to talk with them and such. I already had lunch with my legal research and writing professors last week. This one was different though. It was Contracts, my dreaded class. You would think that I would realize that it would be in my best interest to get on good terms with said professor. Of course I'm not that clever. Somehow in the course of the group conversation (we go in small groups...not alone...that would be awkward) I manage to tell him how Property is my favorite class and the professor there is my favorite professor, that Contracts class is never very clear and that I think Contracts is by far the most difficult class. (I also told him that he was very successful with putting the fear of God into us, but I think he took that as a compliment....) In my defense what I actually said about the clarity issue was that our Torts teacher was very clear and suddenly it got quiet and I realized that he might take that as a hint that I thought he was doing a bad job teaching the class. Tried to salvage that one with things like "It's not a bad thing" and "It's just different but both are good". You can imagine how well that worked. Well I guess you can fault me for not being completely honest. I also decide to get a Mexican Coke (made with real sugar not corn) at lunch because I never get stuff like that....This will come into play later on.
Lunch is over and we have Property before Contracts. Property was great as usually. Full of jokes that I would tell you but I tried to tell one to a non-law student yesterday and it didn't work out so well. By the time Contracts roles around, I'm feeling pretty good. I've forgotten about all the stupid things I've said. You see I have this formula worked out. A few of us in the class, he already knew by name from an orientation event. As far as I could tell, none of us had yet been called on in class. My theory was that he called on those he didn't know because he wanted to be more intimidating. In fact, I shared this theory with one of the other students that went to lunch right before class started.
I'm not so great at foreshadowing but I think that you can kinda guess what happened. I got called on. Several times. I know the selection was probably random but I can't bring myself to fully believe that given my lunch word vomit. I'm trying my absolute hardest and doing ok but man it took concentration not to wet myself. Somehow I lost the ability to read the words on the powerpoints that explained the hypotheticals so at times I would have to be corrected on the facts. My strategy was to repeat over and over again in light of each new situation the only thing that has really clicked in this class for me. He did mention that always tying things back to the basic principle was good but I was too frazzled to notice that as a comment at this point. Then a little more than halfway through the class, I notice that my blood sugar is getting low (remember that coke that I wanted....yeah). I'm up a creek without a paddle. I didn't have any food with me and anyway I would never eat in class and especially not his class. Also, there is no possibility of getting up to get something because he has been questioning me all class off and on and I think he would probably notice if I got up and walked out. I'm loosing concentration quickly and when he next calls my name I realize I do not know what he has been talking about for the last several minutes. Rather than admit I wan't paying attention (he would have made me answer anyway), I answer the EXACT same thing that the person before me answered which was wrong....I'm pretty sure that it could not have been more clear that I was not paying attention. Go me. I know just how to do them.
Anyway at the end of class I feel pretty dumb. My friend Mitch is kind enough to point out that my theory of how people get called on just blew up in my face. Jason reminds me that I was asking for it with lunch. I fix the blood sugar issue (not before Jason had a few good laughs at my silly irrational behavior that comes with low blood sugars), and get back to work. I have a raging headache from the sugar (sugar and caffeine both do that now), but I have to get a lot done. I had an outline that needed to be emailed off to a professor. I out what I remember to be the appropriate title for the subject line in and send it. She sends it back asking me to fix "the title". I would just like to point out that is an ambiguous term. I go back through notes and don't specifically have the way to title things written down so I ask someone in my section about it. I got super annoyed when the only difference in my subject line was where the dots went and the fact that I only put my last name. So I fix it and send it again. Only to get back a message congratulating me on getting it right in the subject line and asking me to correct the file name to mirror it. Wow. Once again I feel stupid realizing what "the title" meant.
At this point, I've given up on salvaging any productive drive and once again determine that early morning studying will have to be the answer. Mostly I needed to go dancing. I was at my breaking point and dancing was the perfect fix. It was amazing. I walked away smiling and happy about life. Then I get home to find out some disturbing news. One of my roommates had smelled a gas leak which turned out to be from the dryer hose. When the gas guy came to the house, he also found dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide. We don't currently (although that is changing tonight) have any monitors in our house for that sort of thing. If we had went to bed before knowing about that problem, odds are none of us would have woken up again. (I'm still thanking the Lord over and over again that there was another leak that did have an odor). The problem ended up being that there is not enough ventilation in the room that has the gas heater. They turned our gas off until it was fixed. Essentially our house isn't up to code (luckily we got some of it fixed today but we are still having some inspectors come look at the house to be sure that we are indeed safe). Anyway, I was up late with my roommates figuring out what demands needed to be made and actions to take if we ran into any obstacles.
I did get up early today and now I'm dead tired. I'm going to bed in just a few minutes because I also need to get up early tomorrow to finish reading because I was much too tired to pull myself through a Contracts reading today. There was one thing that made me feel worlds better about life. Shortly before Contracts today I got this email:
I was just getting ready for class, and I remembered that I wanted to commend you on your contribution to class yesterday. You were excellent.
Contracts Professor
So apparently I'm not completely stupid. Although next time I should probably take a different course of action to figure that out. Oh and don't worry...that email definitely won't go to my head so long as it takes me 3 hours minimum to get ready for one hour of Contracts.