Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Days of Classes

Ok so this is just going to be a quick one because I'm going dancing in a little bit to ensure that I keep my sanity. Most of the professors, I'll describe in more detail later on, but I wanted to update you on how classes are going now that I have attended all of my major classes at least once.

Torts- This was my first class yesterday. I'll refer to my professors by their class title just in case someone happens to know them. I was about 10 minutes early and all the seats were taken except for in the back and I hate sitting in the back. People are really into this law school thing. My Torts professor uses the Socratic Method but overall is very nice about it. I don't think any of the people called on (I wasn't one of them phew) felt ashamed or pushed to hard. On one question that the girl was unsure on, I even ventured to raise my hand and was called on. I answered correctly for the most part. Defining stuff clearly rarely works out when you try in law school. Still I felt very brave. The greatest thing and I didn't realize I would feel this way until other classes, the professor gives clear answers (insert choir singing praises to the Lord here and no I'm not joking). She tells you when there is ambiguity after a while so that you can stop beating your head against a wall.

Legal Writing- Not much to say. It is the class with the most amount of work and the only class that asks us to produce stuff during the semester. They are wasting no time with that either. I first memo is due in two weeks and a draft in a week I believe.

Property- I'll have to write more about this professor later. He is great and the epitome of a nerdy professor with the look and all. He also does the Socratic Method...kinda...it is based on seating chart and moves down the rows. We chose our seating chart today (the second day of class) so he has just been asking for volunteers for the last few days. I really enjoy this subject matter too. Interesting cases about harpooning whales and other crazy stuff.

Contracts- This is the real reason I am writing. I want to get stuff off my chest. All the fears and concerns about law school professors were justified in this class. This guy is brutal. According to him, there is no "pass" and no "I'm not prepared" in his class. If you are called on, you will answer questions no matter how well you do until he is done with you. He isn't particularly kind either. He is funny so it takes the edge off a little bit but he is very good at belittling an argument. Perhaps what is most frustrating is that he eggs on arguments that in the end have no clear answers. I know this is part of law school, but rather than asking us to make a case one way or the other (like the other professors), he belittles an argument to the point that it seems impossible and so when you change he belittles the next one. It is really disheartening. He makes it clear when you are venturing into territory he doesn't want to go into by just shutting you down. Needless to say, I'm terrified of even seeming unprepared in this class. I have a feeling that this will be the hardest class for me. 

More to come later...now sanity saving time. 

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