Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why I Am Going To Law School (Part 2)

First I just have to say that I am in a fantastic mood! Things are really coming together. I found an institute (religion) class to take that is as close to the law building as I'm going to get and that works well with my schedule. I finished with work here la and I have had great weekend (complete with some delicious sushi) to close out my last bit of summer. Everything is starting to sink in and it is just great feeling knowing that I am about to move on to my next big adventure. Even better than that, I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

I think I will probably make a bullet list to finish off why I'm going to law school. At least we'll see how this works.

  • Security- Money has not and will  never directly be one of my motivations for attending law school. However, the plain truth is that a law degree will give me better job opportunities than a bachelor's degree in political science. There is no guarantee that I will get an amazing high paying job, but the likelihood that I will be able to provide for myself or a family if I ever need to will be substantially increased.
  • The challenge- This may sound arrogant, and I promise that isn't the intention. The simple fact of the matter is that I found my undergraduate education to far from challenging. It was definitely more difficult than high school and required time and commitment. However, I didn't find it intellectually challenging. I want a challenge, and I think that law school can provide that challenge. 
  • Improvement- This goes hand in hand with the other two reasons. I believe law school will improve me. President Gordon B. Hinkley counseled us to get as much education as possible. Law school is a way for me to follow that counsel. Besides learning the skills necessary to become a lawyer, I will need to learn discipline, self-control and confidence to a level I've have never had to achieve before. In short, the tests, trials and experiences of law school I believe will make me an overall better person. 
Everything I've said are definitely part of why I'm going to law school, but most importantly I feel that this is exactly what I need to be doing. Throughout most of my undergraduate years, I felt my time there would never end, and to some extent, I didn't want it to end. I had day dreams of great jobs that I would have without really thinking to much about them. The closer I got to graduation, the more I realized that I needed some solid plan instead of a dream. Even early in the process of planning for law school, I was more whimsical than serious. After my LSAT and after speaking with a representative from BYU at a law fair, I knew I wanted to go to law school and that if I got in I would attend BYU. I prayed about my decision and felt good enough to go forward with the plan but not absolutely sure. When I received the phone call from BYU telling me that I was accepted, I'm not sure I can describe the overwhelming feeling of peace. I knew that my decision to go to law school was the right one for me at this time in my life. For reasons I don't yet understand, Provo and law school are what needs to be my next adventure/challenge. Knowing this is a great source of comfort. I am nervous beyond belief, but I know I can handle whatever comes my way.

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