Monday, August 1, 2011

The Month Everything Changes...

August is here! And if today is any indication, it will be a very rainy August. This is a very big month for me. I start law school in a new state and what's more at a church school. I'm expecting a bit of a culture shock. Things in Boise, even among the Mormon population are quite a bit different than at BYU. Maybe I'll like the change; maybe I won't, but in any case I'm stuck with it. Two weeks from today I will be leaving for Utah. I'll stay with my brother for the week of orientation (three thrilling days full of presentations and such...insert enthusiasm) in Salt Lake and make my way down to Provo. Law School classes start earlier than undergraduate classes at BYU so finding a place that I could move in before my classes start on the 22nd was difficult and finding a place that I could move into before orientation proved impossible. Luckily, I bought a contract from a girl getting married on the 19th and will be able to move in on the 20th a mere two days before classes start (cutting it a bit close). Everything has fallen into place pretty nicely and I'm ready to get this show on the road but even though I know it will all start this month, it still feels really far away. I'm really excited but I'm also getting really nervous. My next few posts I hope to explain my reasons for going to law school ( another question I wish I had a dollar for every time I'm asked) and what I'm so nervous and excited about. 

Health food discovery: Truvia- an all natural sweetener made from the stem of a plant called stevia. It has no calories (which I'm not really concerned about) and no glycemic impact (YAY!). I've already used it to make some delicious smoothies and this recipe Everything has turned out great and I think there new tagline should be I can't believe it's not sugar. :)

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