Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The First Day of Law School...Orientation

I am finished with the first day of orientation...only two more to go. Why we need three days of orientation is beyond me, but it's not like we have much of a choice. I won't describe the day in detail (it was mostly presentations), but there were some more or less interesting things that happened.

We started out by meeting with our student mentors. Our law school class broken up into six legal writing sections. The people in each legal writing section share every class together. We met in our sections to meet our mentors and have a question and answer session. We did a get-to-know-you activity that consisted of everyone saying their name, undergraduate location and major and our favorite movie. It was not an effective way to learn names. After one or two people took their turns, everything became a blur. 

The session was mostly our mentors spouting off advice to us, and then telling us to ignore any advice we got and find our own method. Kinda funny I thought. Ignore everyone's advice except mine. One thing they said is that our legal writing classmates are going to become some of our closest friends. While I think that is probably true, it is difficult to imagine that when you are in a room full of strangers. 

The other highlight of our day was the mock class where we went through a case using Socratic Method. The case was pretty straightforward and generated a lot of discussion. However, it shattered my view during law school students would be more objective in their comments. After a while, the discussion devolved into an ideological argument using mostly speculation rather than facts from the case. Silly really. People were practically jumping out of their seats.

Nothing else super excited happened. I've been dubbed the smurf turf girl because I am the sole representative from Boise State. I'm ok with that :)

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